Saturday, August 8, 2009

Make Money by Blogging: Tips for Increasing Blog Readership for More Affiliate Money

One of the best ways to make money by blogging is through affiliate marketing. However, you have to get a lot of people to read your blog if you want to make a huge impact using this business model. Let’s take a look at how you can increase your blog readership so as to make sales from affiliate programs promoted at your blog.

How you can increase blog readership for more affiliate money:

Include Keywords in Your Blog Posts
If you want to get enough people to visit your blog so that you can make sales from affiliate products that you pitch on your blog, you must include keywords in 90% of your blog posts.

Ask yourself this question: “How will a person primarily find what he is looking for on the web?” Of course, through the search engines, which is the more reason why you need to pay special attention to including keywords in your blog. Optimizing your blog for the search engines through the use of keywords is crucial to your online affiliate business. Why? It can either make or break the success of your potential to make a good income from your blog using affiliate programs.

Search engines do most of their operations on a keyword tag basis. This means if you include keywords in your posts, people using those keywords in the search engines will find you. When that happens, you will be in a better position to make a lot of affiliate money because people who are coming to your blog will be highly interested in what you offer. Make money by blogging has never been easier than that.

Because you want people to find you through the search engines doesn’t mean that you should overload each of your blog posts with keywords. That is called keyword spamming and your blog will be filtered out of search engine results if you do this. A better strategy is to include keywords in your posts not more than 3 to 5 times – anything more than that can spell doom. Space the placement of keywords in your blog posts for maximum effect. For example if you want to include a particular keyword in your blog post about 3 times, you could place the keyword at the beginning, middle and end of the post.

If you want to make money by blogging using affiliate marketing or another business model for that matter, you really need to consider the idea of using keywords.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year

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Make Cash Blogging Tips to Expose Your Blog to More People for Big Affiliate Commissions

Want to discover make cash blogging tips for big affiliate commissions?

The more people that are being exposed to an affiliate product that you promote, the more likely it is that one or two of them will follow through your link to buy the product. The more people who come to your blog, the more likely it is to get your affiliate link clicked on to make affiliate commissions over and over again.

Here’s how you expose your blog (containing affiliate links) to more people so that you make big affiliate commissions:

Be useful at online communities:
Online communities are websites where you, I, and other people get to meet each other to share different ideas and views on various topics and issues. If you want to expose your blog to more people, you should consider using these online communities to your advantage.


Because you already have an existing relationship with people at these communities. Most of them already like you and you already like them as well. Because of the existing relationship that you already have with these people, it will be a lot easier to direct them to your blog and hopefully click on your affiliate links to make a purchase.

Forums, chat rooms and discussion boards are examples of online communities. Join the ones that are in the same niche you are in. However ensure that you participate at these communities for the sole purpose of being useful. Don’t blatantly market your blog through them – doing so will only get you banned and you will lose people’s trust. The worst part of it will be that you won’t be able to expand your readership base.

Participate in discussions at forums, chat rooms and other blogs while subtly introducing your blog url as a link to a source for more information or solution to a problem. Another nice and ethical strategy is to put your blog site address as your forum signature so that every time you make a contribution, you will also be linking back to your blog as a great information source.

There you go – make cash blogging tips that you can use to expose your blog to more traffic so as to make big affiliate commissions.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year

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0 Subscribe to our hot newsletter, Secrets to Building Blog Empires That Earn 6 to 7 Figure Income Per Year. All you need to do is send a blank email with “newsletter” in the title to:

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Make Money Blogging Secrets – Essential Tips for Creating Super Affiliate Blogs

Want to discover make money blogging secrets for creating super affiliate blogs?

Are you a blog affiliate who has tried but has not succeeded in making a good income from affiliate programs on your blog? Or do you just want to start using affiliate programs to generate revenue from a blog? Whatever the case, the following are essential tips that you could use to create super affiliate blogs that will sell affiliate products at fast speed.

1) Learn the Basics of Writing
If you want to create a great blog that will convert well and sell affiliate products at a dramatic rate, you must learn the basics of writing. Why? That’s what blogs are meant to do. They are meant to communicate effectively with people. More so, there is no better way to genuinely recommend an affiliate product without writing something about it.

The worst thing you could do is put boring content that is not useful and full of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors on your affiliate blog. Learn the basic skills of writing from the various excellent tutorials on the web. Of course, the first place to look for such tutorials is through your favorite search engine. Be lavish with different styles of writing to come up with pieces that are interesting, inspiring and useful. Your blog visitors will love you for that and they will be more than ready to follow up on your affiliate recommendations – thereby making you a lot of money in affiliate commissions from your blog.

2) Pick a Less Competitive Niche to Write About
The worst thing you could do is set up a blog on a topic that is way too popular. If your aim is to create a blog that will sell affiliate products well, then you must start by selecting a topic that is low in competition to write about. A niche that is full of affiliate marketers who are also marketing the same product or service that you are also marketing is a big sign that the competition in that niche is too stiff for you to handle at the initial stage.

Because you don’t want to choose a niche that is too competitive doesn’t mean that you should choose a niche that is too unpopular. If you choose a niche that is too unpopular, you might not be bale to get enough interested prospects to make you the kind of money that you desire. Find a perfect balance between the two – the niche you choose should be popular and unique enough to make things easy for you.

There you have them – make money blogging secrets that you can now use to create super affiliate blogs that that will keep increasing affiliate sales.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year

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0 Subscribe to our hot newsletter, Secrets to Building Blog Empires That Earn 6 to 7 Figure Income Per Year. All you need to do is send a blank email with “newsletter” in the title to:

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Make Money Blogging Strategies – 2 Tips to Write Your Own Great Affiliate Marketing Blog

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest make money blogging strategies to start. However it can be very frustrating when you are not making sales the way you expect. Most times, the problem has to do with the foundation. When the foundation is faulty, you won’t be able to make a huge impact with affiliate products that you promote on your blog no matter what you do.

The following are (2) tips that you could use to write your great affiliate marketing blog for high affiliate sales:

1) Be Objective and Neutral in Creating Your Blog
Affiliate marketing is all about bringing in potential prospects to the product owner’s site so that it will be easy for you to make your commissions. Telling your blog readers that an affiliate product is the best without telling them why will put them off. They will have the impression that you are just trying to sell them something that isn’t probably worth it in the first place.

The main reason why people will come to your blog is because they are seeking information. Provide them with quality information and at the same time gently lead them to the product owner’s site to get your own commissions when they buy or fill out a form.

Write in a way that is objective and neutral without making it look like an advertisement. Online, people hate to be advertised to. Your blog will perform much better when the content (articles) you place on it does not advertise to readers.

2) Use A Formal Tone
A formal tone will appeal to the majority of your readers, as they sound clean, neutral and objective. A casual tone will add a personal touch, feeling and emotion to your writing. You can sound casual and still attract readers who will follow your affiliate recommendations. However the danger with sounding casual if that you are prone to sounding a lot more subjective. When you sound subjective, you will loose a lot of money that should have easily been made if you sounded formal. To be on the safer side, write articles for your blog in a formal tone. This will make you less prone to turning off your readers and loosing money at a very fast rate.

You should strongly consider a formal writing tone as one of your top make money blogging strategies for writing your great affiliate marketing blog.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year

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0 Subscribe to our hot newsletter, Secrets to Building Blog Empires That Earn 6 to 7 Figure Income Per Year. All you need to do is send a blank email with “newsletter” in the title to:

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Making Money Blogging Techniques to Increase Your Affiliate Program Conversion Rates Instantly

Promoting affiliate products on your blog is one of the less stressful making money blogging techniques on the Internet. The problem with most affiliate blogs is that they do not convert most of their visitors into actual customers. So if you want to convert many of your visitors into actual customers, here are 3 strategies to use instantly:

1) Link From Within Your Post
This includes linking to affiliate products that you promote at the introduction, middle and end of each blog post you write.

You must embrace this blog affiliate marketing truth:

The where you place affiliate links on your blog determines the success of every affiliate program that you promote on your blog. The most success can only be had when you link to affiliate products or services from within your posts.

You are more likely to get readers to click on your affiliate link and even follow through when the link is within a post than when it is at the top of every post or at the side bar of your blog. If you want to increase your affiliate program conversion rate, place affiliate links within your posts. Your chances of getting readers to take a positive action (i.e. buy something) will be at a much higher rate.

2) Where Are Your Readers’ Eyes Naturally Drawn To?
This is yet another simple way to increase the number of people who click on your affiliate link and buy something through you. Place affiliate links where your visitor’s eye will be naturally drawn to. This means placing your link at key points on your blog where readers are most likely to see them.

Just as I have said earlier, place your affiliate link in your blog posts or content. But one word of caution though: Don’t over do it – always consider the flow of your content and at what point a reader is more likely to make a purchase.

Another strategy is to include your affiliate link at the top left hand side of your blog’s sidebar. Why? Majority of readers do their reading from left to right – so you’ll be giving your affiliate link a lot of exposure by including it on the top left hand side.

Better still, you can place your link at the end of your post immediately after each article on your blog. Readers would have already gotten useful information from you and would be in a much better position to explore the option of clicking your link and buying through you.

3) Put Readers in the Right Mind Frame
If you want to sell affiliate products at an exponential rate on your blog, you must put readers in the right mind frame. It will determine the rate at which people will click on your affiliate link and respond to your recommendation.

One word of caution: Don’t trick readers into clicking your affiliate link. When you do this, your chances of converting them into actual customers will be nil. Another thing is not to give recommendations that are not true about an affiliate product just to get people to visit the affiliate program site. Again when you do this, you will only be hurting your blog’s reputation, which can spell doom very quickly.

4) Give both the Strength and Shortcomings of the Affiliate Product
Genuine recommendations always pay off. Recommend your affiliate product and encourage people to buy it buy giving them the pros and cons of the product. Tell who the product will be suitable for and who it won’t work for.

When you give your visitors both the strength and shortcomings of an affiliate product, you will have a much higher conversion rate because people always prefer to know what they are buying. Even if a product has shortcomings, people will still buy it if it meets their need. It’s all about looking for the needs of potential people who will be highly interested in your affiliate product. Using hype won’t do you much good, believe me.

Giving both the pros and cons of an affiliate product is one of the most important make money blogging techniques to give top priority to if you want to increase your affiliate program conversion rate.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year

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Make Money Blogging Online Strategies To Profit Heavily From Affiliate Programs - 3 Top Tips

One of the easiest make money blogging online strategies is affiliate marketing. If this is true, why is it that so many bloggers find it hard to make a good income from affiliate programs that they promote?

You either don’t know how to set up a blog for heavy affiliate profits or you are missing out a few key things that will help you turn your blog into an affiliate cash-generating machine.

Here are 3 strategies that will help you achieve heavy blog profits from affiliate programs:

1) Use Text Links And Link To A Particular Product
The truth is that you are only deluding yourself if you think that placing banner ads linking to the front page of the affiliate site you represent all over your blog will bring you high affiliate sales - thereby making you rich.

The fact is that text links work far better than banner ads. Why? The world is sick and tired of advertisements. More so, on the World Wide Web, people will rather click on a text link to a particular product than click on a banner advertisement linking to the same product. This is simply because online, people hate to be advertised to. That is something you should always bear in mind all the time.

The idea of using text links to promote your affiliate products has a lot do with contextual advertising, specifically Adsense. The reason why Adsense is highly effective is because the ads are written in text and linked to a particular page for more details. It is also because the ads that show up are highly related to the content where it is being placed. This is simply why Adsense has become one of the top make money blogging online strategies for many bloggers.

The same goes for affiliate programs. A banner ad to a general affiliate site page that you represent will not do much for you no matter how colorful the banner ad is. Instead, use multiple text affiliate links throughout your blog to link to affiliate products that are relevant to readers who are reading particular topics on your blog.

For instance if you have a review for a particular diamond jewelry product on your diamond jewelry blog, the most effective thing to do to make many sales is to place text links within and at the and of the review to a page where that particular jewelry is being sold.

2) Link To Other Affiliate Programs Without Making Your Blog Untidy
In the conventional business world, it is often said, “do not put all your eggs in one basket.” The same is true for the online blog affiliate marketing business model. Join as many affiliate programs as possible and link to them from your blog - but there is a word of caution though. Start out with one affiliate program and after you have established a ground with that affiliate program, you can join and link to other ones.

One other thing - you shouldn’t join too may affiliate programs thereby cluttering your blog with affiliate links. When your blog contains too many affiliate links, it makes it look untidy and the worst part of it is that you get to confuse your readers thereby drastically reducing your chances of making sales from your efforts.

3) Keep Watch Of Your Affiliate Program Results
As a rule, always keep watch of results that you get from affiliate programs you promote on your blog. At the very least, you will determine which product is selling and which product is not. The other advantage that comes with keeping watch of your affiliate program results is that you will be bale to determine which links are the most effective in bringing in sales for you.

Tracking your results will help you to improve in future affiliate endeavors. For example let us suppose that you are keeping track of a diamond jewelry affiliate program on your blog and you find that links at the top right hand side of your blog are making more sales than those at the top left hand side. When setting up a new blog for a similar diamond jewelry affiliate program, you will know from previous tracking results that you need to concentrate more of your effort on the top right hand side than the left. This will help to improve affiliate sales.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success

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Blogging To Make Money On Line Using Affiliate Programs - 2 Surefire Tips To Use

Blogging to make money on line is fun, but it can be even more rewarding when you learn how to use affiliate programs to profit from your blogging activities. Let us look at the concept of using affiliate programs to earn revenue from blogs.

Using Affiliate Programs On Blogs Defined:
This is when you find, join and get a unique link to someone else’s product or servise that is related to what you are blogging about so that you can use the link you have gotten to refer people from your blog to someone else’s site to receive affiliate commissions fro sending people who buy a product or service.

(2) Surefire strategies that you could use to profit heavily from affiliate programs on your blog:

1) Don’t Fool Readers Into Clicking Your Affiliate Links:
When it come to making money from affiliate links posted at your blog, transparency is important. Never you fool your readers into clicking affiliate links at your blog or sending them to a product sales page that has nothing to do with the topic of your blog or the information that they are reading at a particular point in time.

At times you can go ahead to label your affiliate link as an affiliate link. That is, put a not at the side or at the bottom of your link to let your readers know that they are clicking on an affiliate link if they should decide to click the link.

2)Get More People To Visit Your Blog Everyday:
Without people visiting your blog, there is no money to be made from affiliate products that you promote. Though the number of people visiting your blog everyday is not the only factor, it is the key to making big monthly affiliate sales from products being promoted at your blog or any other business model for blogging to make money on line for that matter.

The simple truth is that the more the number of interested people who see and click on affiliate links at your blog, the more you increase the chances of them buying through you - thereby making lots of affiliate commissions. So try to increase the number of daily visitors to your blog.

Dedicate some of your time to a long-lasting readership instead of focusing all your efforts on joining as many affiliate programs as possible to promote on a single blog. Also, find a way of directing most of the visitors to your blog to pages within your blog where your affiliate links are a lot more visible.

Here are (5) strategies you could use for getting highly interested people to visit your blog everyday:
1) Article marketing
2) Search engine optimization
3) Email marketing
4) PPC advertising
5) Forum marketing

These 5 strategies will definitely help you in blogging to make money on line from affiliate products by driving quality visitors to your blog.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success

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How To Make Money Blogging: Tips For Turning Your Blog Into An Affiliate Product-Selling Machine

Want to know how to make money blogging?

While there are several ways that you could use to make profits from your blog, affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and best ways to do it. However your blog must be able to dramatically sell affiliate products that you pitch if you want to make a huge impact.

The following are (2) great strategies to help you turn your blog into an affiliate product-selling machine:

1) Genuinely recommend and personally endorse beneficial products
Making money from affiliate programs is not as simple as just adding links to them from your blog. The simple reason why visitors will keep coming back to your blog is simply because they trust and respect you to a certain level. Genuinely recommend and personally endorse affiliate products that will be of benefit to them so as not to destroy the trust and respect that they have for you.

One of the best ways to do this is to give an honest and open estimate of the value pr quality of the affiliate product. Include both the strength and weaknesses of the product. Tell readers who the product is suitable for and those it is not for. The truth is that people want to know what they are going to spend their money on. Even if a product has its drawbacks, your readers will still buy it if it meets their particular need. That’s exactly how to make money blogging by genuinely recommending affiliate products.

2) Where do you place affiliate links on your blog?
Most people don’t know it, but where an affiliate link is being on a blog determines whether an affiliate program will be successful or not.

Position your affiliate links at hotspots on your blog - meaning, place your affiliate links at places where your blog visitors will easily see them on your blog. The sole purpose of using affiliate programs on your blog is to make money by recommending them as a source for more information or solution to a problem. So don’t hide your affiliate links - make them as visible as possible.

Here are some strategic places to position affiliate links at your blog:

0 The top left hand side of your blog.
0 At the middle of each content post on your blog.
0 At the end of each blog post above where people get to leave their comments.
0 Just after the introduction that comes with each blog post.

There you have it - how to make money blogging and 2 strategies to help you profits heavily from affiliate programs.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success

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Make Money Blogging Affiliate Secret: How To Make Your Affiliate Blog Sell

Make money blogging affiliate secret: Your blog must be a good selling machine if you want to make a good income from affiliate programs every month.

Your goal: Look for a way or ways to make your blog sell affiliate products that you promote on it at an exponential rate.


Making your affiliate blog sell affiliate products like crazy is the corner stone strategy in earning avalanches of affiliate money from your blog.

If you want to discover how you make your affiliate blog sell, here are 2 powerful strategies that you could use:

1) Have Your Reader In Mind
Your blog readers are the sources of money that you will be making from affiliate programs on your blog. Without your blog reader, your blog is nothing. Failure to have them in mind is as good as signing the death warrant of your blog.

Put yourself in your readers’ shoes whenever you are writing content to promote affiliate programs on your blog. Consider what they might want to find as they browse through your blog for information. Might they be looking for specific products or services? Are they looking for a product or service with a discount? These and many more questions are things you have to bear in mind to really make your blog sell affiliate products or services like crazy - you can’t afford to really ignore this make money blogging affiliate secret.

Always remember that the affiliate product is secondary. Your primary aim should be to start with your readers in mind. This way you will be giving them quality information while earning money on the side at the same time.

2) Represent The Best Affiliate Products And Link To Them
It is in human nature to buy the best products that money can buy and your readers are not any different because they are humans and not machines. Your readers will be more likely to purchase if the product you are representing and linking them to is the best. So make that you represent and link to affiliate products and companies that are the best.

They must have a good reputation and their sales pages must be the kind that a good number of people will visit and won’t want to leave without making a purchase. The best way to loose a lot of affiliate sales from your blog is to give a great review of a product of a product only to link your readers to a page that is less attractive, cheap and nasty. Therefore you should make it a top priority to choose quality affiliate products to promote. When you do this, you are making your blog an affiliate product-selling machine. This is actually the best make money blogging affiliate secret for hefty profits.

Related Reading:

0 Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5-Figure Income Every 30 Days (This is Real and Efficient)
0 The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Make Money Blogging Secrets for Earning a 5 Figure Income Every 30 Days (This Is Real and Efficient)

What you are about to read is real and efficient.

Are looking to earn an income online either full time or part time? Have you ever tried to make money blogging online before but failed in an attempt to do so? Are you a stay-at-home mom, student, or just looking to improve your financial status? If all these describe you, then read on.

One online blogger who has made a small fortune from his blogs is giving out a secret blueprint that reveals his exact make money blogging secrets for pulling in over $90,480 every 30 days.

In this secret blueprint of a little over 50 pages, you will discover the step-by-step strategies and secrets for making $90,480 from long term blogs. Here are just a few of the things that this guy will tell you:

o The 5 biggest secrets he uses to successfully run his blog business.

o The secrets he is using to build blog empires that pull in over $236, 255 per year.

o His 6 promotional techniques that are bringing 256,667 people to visit just one of his blogs every month.

o His secret weapon for getting blog content that readers will love...

Download this secret blueprint right away before offer expires.